Monday, January 18, 2010

on hospital expenses

Notice how the hospital bill increased for the past five years? I was really surprised with our local hospital's charges when I was admitted for normal section delivery last November. I was shocked when the husband settled the final bill and compared it to my previous delivery. A hefty twenty percent increase! I just can't believe that the rates : procedures, labaratory exams, consults and including rooms increased this much from the time I was admitted four years ago. It's way too expensive! Though we have hospital insurance coverage from our work, but looking at their present rates ... still unbelievably high. There are even more restrictions when it comes to coverage. Because of this, my mom is having second thoughts if she would proceed wih her hemorrhoids treatment given the drastic price increase. Sadly, only half of her hospital bill will be shouldered by the healthcard ... and the rest, will be charged to her personal account. Of course, I forced her to proceed without thinking about the hospital expense, because money is nothing compared t the life be saved from early correction or diagnose to cure the problem. Don't you agree?