Saturday, November 22, 2008

somebody's been very busy

Yes, somebody's been very busy now ... and that is, the little bratinella. Busy as bee with her new Dora V-tech toy. She accidentally found all the TK shopping loots inside the guest room, under the bed. Still unwrapped. Darn! Santa's not careful to hide all the Christmas toys. lol.

Anyway, the overly excited girl begged to open her toy. With all the pleas and shower of kissses, I naturally gave in. How can I resist all those pleas and pleading eyes? Hahaha. Thus, the supposedly Christmas present was opened in no time. Which makes the little girl blissfully happy and busy the entire wekeend.

Now I need to replace this gift. Need to buy her another present for her to open on Christmas eve. I need to check online possible gift options for Sam. Aside from checking toys online, need to find slim 10 for myself. Need to trim down my present weight to prepare my body for all the holiday festivities. With all the parties, eating and drinking, I am sure I'll gain weight if I don't watch my diet soon. Can't afford to gain extra pounds, you know. :)