Friday, November 20, 2009

home improvement plans

Before I proceed with the Medicare supplement insurance for possible additional maternity benefits coverage, allow me to share some of my home improvements plan for the next sixty days ... eerrr, that is my to do lists until I am still on maternity leave.
1. proceed with the exterior house painting job : I've been planning this painting job since summer, but due to several typhoons that hit our country this year, the house painting plan was deferred.
2. change our existing lanai doors to analok metal frame : part of home improvement upgrade.
3. change and fix hinges, locks and steel frames of cabinets and doors. Get carpenter for this.
4. clean and sort Samantha's room again : sort out her toys and clothes to give-way for Baby Migo's stuff.
5. set up our Christmas tree complete with decors and trimmings.
6. send the sofa for repair.
7. send two (2) electric fans for repair.
Wow, can't believe my home improvement plans to do list above! and on top of these projects, I need to finalize baby migo's baptism plans. Very busy vacation months, eh? Doesn't look like vacation at all, don't you think so? LOL. Wish me luck that I complete my home improvement plans this year. Actually, the possibility to do all of these will depend on the available moolah from the husband. :)