Saturday, June 7, 2008

Diet Blues 3: need to stop diet plans?

Too soon to concede? With one week to go before my birthday, I don't think I can do the impossible! That is, losing 115lbs from my current weight now. I know I failed with hubby's challenge, and I hate myself for being lazy and stubborn for not completing my diet.

1. I've got no discipline with my exercise routine! I never challenged nor exerted extra effort to complete my twice a week jogging routine. I am happy with my usual jogging pace, never increasing or pushing my body to the limit.

2. No drastic change on my food intake. I still eat one cup of rice for lunch and dinner, and still skipping breakfast meals! Very bad. Late night food delivery decreased, but replaced with chips and cookies instead.

3. Soda intake remains the same. Instead of Coke light or regular, fell in love with Coke Zero!

4. Fruit intake was not religiously practiced.

Hence, I am still at my original weight...back at ground zero.

Because of this, it made me think of immediate measures to win our bet. I am thinking of taking Phentermine pills or commonly known as diet pills to lose weight. Or even go to drastic solution of doing liposuction treatment to shed off the unwanted 15lbs immediately. Quick remedy, eh? But honestly, I am too chicken to subject myself for any surgical procedures. I am hell-scared to try it! The diet pills may be the best option, but I don't think this will beat my one week window.

Besides, I need to stop any diet plans for now. It seems I have a thyro-glossal problem since the doctors found a lump (or cyst) on my throat. This needs to be removed immediately. I am still in the process of completing all my lab tests and CT scans so I can have my biopsy late this week. Hopefully no scary or malignant cyst can be found. And I am hoping this is just a normal procedure. Well, this is another story. Will just post about this next time.

Thus for now, the diet can wait... need to ensure I am healthy before I can go back to my diet plans! :)


Anonymous said...

Jacqui! you wrote you need to lose 115lbs! I was wondering whether bigla kang naging obese bec you looked fine to me. yon pala typo!!!! heheheheheh

this is dee. forgot my password and google name. sorry