Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baby Baptism Week

It was a super busy baby weekend last week as I've attended two baby baptisms from my office colleague and one children's party of a highschool friend. I don't know if it was just me being at the preggy state I am in now, but I noticed lately I am surrounded by friends who are pregnant or just gave birth early this year. As a matter of fact I know eight (8) people in my circle who are infanticipating just like me. Could it be baby boom this 2009? LOL. Sure think so, and most of them are expectant mothers of baby boys. Will I be lucky to have a baby boy too? I hope so.
Anyway, check out my latest picture taken at Erinne Ice's baptism party at Saisaki West Avenue. At four (4) months, I think I am quite big for my size. Don't you think so? Very bad. Need to lose those post-pregnancy weight as soon as I give birth. Probably I should seriously consider going back to the gym, or enrol in a bikram yoga class or take diet pills I saw on the web to bring back my pre-preggo weight. Think the latter option much better and effective option to achieve immediate result weight-loss program. Don't you think so?

Errine Ice Jose baptism at Saisaki West Avenue : Ethel, Sheryll, Erinne, moi, Joel, Jovy, Sam and Abie


Gracie said...

i really hope you get your wish for a baby boy, jacqui!

Jacqui said...

Thanks Gracie, will know by next month. Can't wait :)